Monday, March 22, 2010


I'm doing a post about myself, because I need a me day.
Things I like besides cooking~


Balcony and porch dwelling

Riding my bike!!

Believe it or not, public transportation.
Cars are not a sustainable practice, AND being a passenger is pretty stress free!

Cleatis, my bird
She commands love.

Eating Pizza.
Featured above, the best pizza I've ever had- Brooklyn, NY

"This American Life" brought to you by Ira Glass

Go Jazz, Go Jazz, Go Jazz, Go!!

Science fiction, tough characters, AND poker

UK hip hop <3>

Nostalgic travel memories

(This might have been the most awesome moment of my life so far.)

Beach house dwelling!
And being with the little ones in general

Fam time

Scott has stuff on him. lolz

I didn't mean for the last impression to be of my brother instead of myself. However, Jenny and I PUT all that stuff on him, and I've never laughed harder. Goofing off= life necessity.

K now I feel better having reminded myself of some things that bring me joy!


  1. Many of those things bring me happiness too, but I especially liked seeing YOU!

  2. Yes'm. Seeing things that brings people joy, brings me joy. Joy, joy, joy, etc.
